Tuzson János Botanical Garden


Visit the garden of adventures! We have a variety of more than 2,500 plants from virtually all over the world on a 5.6-hectare area.


4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/b
+36 42 599-400


Opening hours

1 April – 31 October
Tuesday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Ticket Prices

Our magical garden is located in the neighbourhood of the Sóstó Forest, next to the University of Nyíregyháza. In our greenhouses you can see the plants of tropical areas, orchids, palms, cactuses, banana, curiosities such as carnivorous plants or the Amazon water lily whose beauty is really to be admired.

On our open air areas the splendour of herbs, the Japanese garden, the rock garden and the pine-rhododendron provides an unforgettable sight. In our rose garden, you can find 104 of the 200 species of roses of the world, nearly 1800 stems, flowering in the summer.

Much to the joy of children, a unique Hussar Castle Playing Garden, fitting into the environment, can also be found here. Currently it is under renovation but we hope that the small ones can reclaim it as soon as possible. We have contacted Mishi the Squirrel and the exploration of the perpetually bearing tree is in progress!

Our facilities to admire

  • Japanese Garden
  • Spectacle Park
  • Stonecrop Collection
  • Grove of the Giants
  • The lake and its wildlife
  • Pine-rhododendron
  • House of tropical water-plants and cultivated plants
  • Cactus House
  • Carnivorous plants
  • Palm House
  • Plants living on trees

Learn in nature!

Start your day in the botanical garden, close out the noises of the city, and let the colourful nature and wonderful flowers fill you with wonder! In addition to the many things to see, you can also learn from our information materials. As teachers often say to their students: it is only in nature that you can teach and learn about plants.

Accommodations nearby

If you want to visit the Botanical Garden, it’s best to choose one of our accommodations nearby.

Pictures of the Botanical Garden


Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/b

4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/b