Jósa András Museum


The museum is CLOSED due to renovations!

Discover the Museum hiding golden treasures!


Jósa András Museum
4400 Nyíregyháza, Benczúr tér 21.
+36 42 315-722


Kállay Collection
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bessenyei tér 15.
+36 42 310-566

Opening hours

Jósa András Museum
The museum is CLOSED due to renovations!

Kállay Collection
Tuesday – Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00
The Kállay Collection is closed on Mondays.

Ticket prices

The Museum welcomes its visitors with exciting and colourful permanent and temporary exhibitions. Its archaeological collection is famous in the whole of Europe, but its collections of local history, fine and applied arts, and numismatics are also rich.

The strong-room

The strong-room occupies an outstanding place. This is where the numismatic golden treasures, found during organising a house garden in Újfehértó, are safeguarded. The golden forints, originating mostly from the 16th and 17th centuries, have probably been the hidden wealth of a fleeing citizen or merchant.

Special presentations

Upon request, families, groups of children and students can get to know the museum’s collections during a gamified presentation, and museum pedagogical workshops associated with the exhibitions can also be requested.

In the spirit of equal opportunities, the museum staff also does its best to satisfy the needs of those with special needs, and properly guide persons with disabilities around. Special presentations are held for deaf and hard-of-hearing guests.

Permanent exhibitions

  • ‘I went to the fair…’ ethnographical exhibition
  • ‘In the Trace of Ancient Crafts’ archaeological exhibition
  • ‘Yellow Devil’ – The golden items of the Jósa András Museum
  • ‘… full of love towards humanity …’ András Jósa memorial exhibition
  • ‘The Soldiers of Nyíregyháza’ exhibition
  • Péchy-Kovács Collection
  • Selection from the Trophies of lieutenant Tibor Gencsy

Who was the museum named after?

According to the writer, Krúdy, András Jósa was ‘a whimsical and European scientist, the gravedigger of the conquerors of the Nyírség; a petty monarch; an ephemeral gallant; the best doctor of half of Hungary, whose wonders everyone should praise; half a wonder-working phantom and half a late knight from the old boisterous Hungary; a doctor operating with a pocket knife; a scientist doctor riding his two-wheeled carriage, hair blowing in the wind; resilient as the greyhound and unchangingly the same as the sand in the Nyírség; wise and fool, he was a saint and naive Hungarian man.’

Accommodations nearby

If you want to visit the Museum, it’s best to choose one of our accommodations nearby.

Pictures of the Museum


Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Benczúr tér 21.

4400 Nyíregyháza, Benczúr tér 21.

4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi utca 1. 2 /8.