The Kállay Collection


Discover the relics of the family of former Prime Minister Miklós Kállay and be immersed into the history of Nyíregyháza over the centuries in the Kállay Collection


The Kállay Collection
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bessenyei tér 15.
+36 42 310-566
+36 30 096-9158

Opening hours

Tuesday – Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00
Monday: closed

Ticket prices

The Kállay Collection does not only preserve the memories of the members of an ancient Hungarian noble family, but a slice of the history of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county and Hungary as well. The collection boasts a 16,000-volume library and photographs of historical value. The personal belongings of the Kállay descendants and a unique collection of medals can also be found in the institution, in the Cultural District of Nyíregyháza.

The history of the Kállay family

The family, stemming from the ancient Balog-Semjén dynasty, played a very important role in Hungarian history. The members of the Kállay family of Nagykálló have held a wide range of positions, from minor to major administrative offices, up to the post of the Prime Minister.
Their story is told through photographs, paintings and personal objects, together with an ongoing screening. The letters of Miklós Kállay, the last Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary, are among the items on display. One can also read some lines from his love letters written by his wife, as well as from letters addressed to his son, Kristóf, whose donations made it possible to establish the Kállay Collection in Nyíregyháza.

A unique collection of medals

The Kállay Collection contains badges of 38 different orders and decorations. These include unique pieces that are not to be found in any other Hungarian public collection.

The collection includes the medals and decorations of Prime Minister Miklós Kállay and his son Kristóf Kállay, as well as the complete collection of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, founded in 1991.

In the footsteps of the Knights of Malta

The exhibition is linked to the life and work of the founder of the collection, Dr Kristóf Kállay, who had a distinguished career in Rome as the ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the Holy See. Whenever he could, he collected and bought with his own money the material and spiritual relics of Hungarian culture that were lost in Western Europe. In this room, one can see Maltese costumes and medals, too.


Discover the history of Nyíregyháza with VR glasses

In addition to the relics of the Kállay family, the building also houses an exhibition on the history of the city, which provides an interactive insight into the everyday life of Nyíregyháza from its beginnings to the political transition around 1989. VR glasses, quiz mats and other interactive facilities make the exhibition a real experience.



Cím: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Bessenyei tér 15.

4400 Nyíregyháza, Bessenyei tér 15. Kállay Gyűjtemény

